Explore The True Beauty Earth

we will help you to build a dream


Interior and exterior design.

Successul Architecture Concepts & Ideas
Sustainability. Utility. Visibility.
[ our benefits ]

SHIHA GROUP for construction and marble

About us

SHIHA GROUP for construction and marble works.

We are SHIHA group for construction afield finishing, we work in Egyptian market since 1979, when MR Younis SHEHA start to make company by his name (Younis SHEHA), after his sons finish them study, they started to work together like family team.

In 2006 they created another company for marble and granite, the name of this company is (SHEHA KINGDOM), we import, export, and sell to local market also.


What Can We Offer

Design & Planning

We will help you to get the result you dreamed of.

Custom Solutions

• Import marble.

Marble Blocks

• Cutting blocks and make it slabs.

Furniture & Decor

We create and produce our product design lines.

Exterior Design

We will help you to get the result you dreamed of.

• Cutting slabs and make it sizes.

• Export funia product and slabs.

• Supply to projects in local market.

[ our skills ]


·       Import marble.

·       Cutting blocks and make it slabs.

·       Cutting slabs and make it sizes.

·       Export funia product and slabs.

·       Supply to projects in local market.

• Import marble.
• Interior and exterior design.
• Outdoor and indoor finishing.
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What we offer

• As built works. • Shop drawing. • Interior and exterior design. • Outdoor and indoor finishing.
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Our Partners

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Our Projects